Here are a couple of hot topics that students often bring up:
Many singers, even professionals, take singing lessons because they experience pitch problems. They are easily fixed with this vocal technique. If your musical ear is fine, the issue is with one or more of the following: 1. Lack of correct breath support. 2. Singing improper vowels. 3. Issues with consonants.
If one's musical ear is a contributing factor, one should do ear training for at least 5 minutes a day, focusing on melodic dictation. Ear training of 5 minutes a day is more effective than 1 hour once a week.
There exists a science that dictates how a beautiful tone is produced. One of the things that can give a singer a gorgeous tone is the use of vocal resonances. These resonances (Frontal sinus, Sphenoid sinus, Maxillary sinus, and Ethmoid air cells) enhance phonation in terms of quality of tone, intensity, and color. This results in a beautiful, rich, and unique sound. In contrast, resonating poorly will make one's voice sound thin and ordinary. At "Beautiful Voice" students spend part of their private singing lesson learning how to resonate.